Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Vaal 26th Aug

Scottsville 25th Aug

Today at Scottsville there is a horse in race 8 that should win

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Horse racing today

Today I am looking at how to quickly study a race if you do not have a great deal of time.
I have concentrated on todays maiden race 4 at Turffontein and demonstate how to eliminate potential losers and get left with just a few horses to make your final selection from

Monday, June 7, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Where's the Tsunami? Two years ago from this balcony we saw what we thoughtt was a tsunami, well it has still not hit shore, I am pleased to say.
I have just returned from Thailand where I spent three weeks, great time, now back to work

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Medical Tourism in Thailand

This week we have been divided into groups to develop a site which will produce an income by the end of the week.
Our group has decided to concentrate on Medical Tourism in Thailand and we will have a complete website and ebook published by the end of the week.
Follow us as we develop the site at

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Assassination Day 1

Speakers today included Greg Jacobs, Maziar Sadri, Leon Jay, Andrew Banks and Gideon Shalwick. All were good.
As the end of the session were divided into groups and given a task to produce a saleable item and sell it on the net by Friday.
This evening out for a bite with team members and getting to know each other. This is an important part of being here as we learn each others skills and form friendships for the future.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tuk Tuk ride to the Sunday Market

Tuk Tuks live in Chiang Mai. The ancient art of weaving between heavy traffic at great speeds has not been lost. long live the Tuk Tuk.

Tomorrow I start a five day course on Internet Marketing headed by Greg Jacobs labelled "The Assassination Seminar" . It should be good fun, Today I met Greg along with two other speakers Amy Kay Guenther and Kenneth.

This evening we had a hairy ride at break neck speed through the traffic to see and eat at the Sunday Market
which is famous around the world.

Click on the header to see a short video

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Crab Curry with a strawberry slush to follow

One of my favourite meals is a crab curry and where ever I see live crab available I am usually tempted to have it again. This evening was no exception, so I get it while I can, especially for less than $10.
Click on the title to see the video clip

Artist in food market

Came across a great artist in the food market. He was using what I thought was a pencil, but he told me that it was a powder.
click on the title to see the video

Evening Market in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is famous for it's food market. This evening I visited the main one not far from the hotel. A short video clip is available, just click on the Title

Shangri La Hotel

Arrived in Chiang Mai ready for next weeks Internet Marketing seminar with Greg Jacobs. I expect to learn a great deal from this and hopefully expand my internet business because of it.
I will let you know as it is a long way to come.
This is the hotel where it is taking place all next week.
Spot On

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Traffic lights in Thailand

I am amazed at the driving here.
Six people were killed in Phuket alone this week driving scooters.
No minimum age (so it seems) and with up to five people, in fact whole families on one bike.
If I have my camera at hand next time I see it I will take a quick snap.
On the other hand the traffic lights are great with a countdown timer to indicate when the lights are going to change

Friday, February 26, 2010

Lazy day sunbathing and snorkeling on a deserted private beach in Panwar

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Early morning in Phuket, Panwa Cape

Early morning is the best. The solitude and stillness bring out the beauty of this small bay in the Panwa area of Phuket.
As the sun rises, the birds begin to sing and the workers arrive for the first shift of the day in the nearby hotels.
Fishermen start their boats and the dawn unfolds over the tranquil water which hardly has a ripple.
The Thais are a gentle race, even when they ride their motorbikes, they try to keep the noise down so as not to disturb anyone.
I love it here

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Our memories are spoilt

30 years ago, Roy and I spent six months on a deserted beach in Phuket.
It was unknown then and we stayed in bamboo huts on the beach and ate lobster for pennies.
We made friends with the owners of Sunset Bungalows and pledged that one day would would return to see them.
We left it too late.
The bungalows are gone asd so have the owners. Even if we did see them, it is doubtful that we would recognize each other.

Thai Massage using live fish

Roy and I came across this unique way of using fish to eat the loose flesh on your feet.
Its either great fun or madness, you decide.

Phuket, Feb 2010.
15 minutes of uncontrollable tickling

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bangkok day one in the evening

Wandering around Bangkok is much safer than I remember thirty years ago. Last time I pledged to myself that if I visited again, I would not spend any more time here than necessary.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Foamy seas

The sea today was jusy loke a wave of foam. There was no visable water between the waves and the foam was whipped up by the easterly wind.
A beautiful sight.
Very few visitors to the village today, just Mr Plod still posing as a tourist to trap our mugger

Monday, January 11, 2010

10th Jan Fishing with Joz

Joz is a good mate of mine and he invited me to join him on his small fishing boat. The weather was fantastic, calm with sea like a mirror.
Good luck came our way as dolphins circled our small boat and then a whale surfaced so close that I was able to shoot some great footage.Cape gannets can be seen in the video as well as a swimming penguin

Saturday, January 9, 2010

9th Jan Tommy and Sue with their 100 guests

Today on the clifftop at Schoenies the most romantic and happy wedding this decade

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Mugger is a Convicted Murderer

At last we have a full description of ONE of the muggers. I say one because from two victims who have recently been attacked it is obvious that they were not attacked by the same criminal.

On Wednesday Dr P Conrade was a victim and was threatened with a screwdriver and then stabbed with it. She gave a very accurate picture which is shown below.

Earlier today I spoke to Inspector Marais who is constantly patrolling the area and he gave me these details.

The attacker is an ex prisoner who belongs to the notorious gang "28". The qualification to be a member of this gang is they have to be a convicted murderer. Dr Conrade noted the '28' tattooed on his left wrist, so he has served his sentence or is an escapee.

This attack took place only 100 yds onto the trail and soon if not stopped will start to burgle houses in the village as he gets desperate. Muggers and murderers are also buglers!

What can we do? Do we have to wait until someone is killed before more action is taken. There was also an incident on Monday but as the vistim did not lose anything he refused to open a docket at the police station. This is unacceptable as far as I am concerned because when they do catch the criminal, which I believe they will, then the more dockets that are open, the stiffer the sentence the judge will be able to give.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Love is in the air

Two doors up from me, Sue(a widow) has a small tea shop where she makes home made scones and jam. She's always busy on Sundays and about a year ago Tommy(a widower) met Sue there.

Tommy had returned to Schoenies from Australia, where he lives, to spread the ashes of his late wife in a place they had both loved. They had moved to Perth, from South Africa, but sadly his wife passed away after a long illness.

Fate stepped in and Tommy met Sue that day and a friendship developed.

Tomorrow I will go to their wedding reception and blessings which will take place near the cannon.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

6th January another mugging on our doorstep

A beautiful start to the day with few people about

Another mugging, this time almost on our doorstep.

At 6pm we saw a crowd of people gather by the cannon opposite. On investigation it turned out that another attack had taken place just 100 yds from the start of the trail. Had I been on our balcony, I could have seen it.

The mugger used a screwdriver this time and srtatched the face of his lady victim. She did not have any valuables on her and i understand that nothing was stolen.

The police and locals were quickly on the scene as they were undercover and patrolling as tourists all day long.

It is sad that he was not caught as searches were made within five minutes of the attack. Some locals think that he has dug himself into a hole and quickly hides after an attack underground just pulling bushed over the opening while below the ground, just like Sadam Hussain did before he was caught.

5th January Teaching Bella

Fun start to the day teaching our dog to snorkel

Later the wind came up and spoilt the day. However for lovers of the sea it was fantastic. The 50k winds were from the east and whipped up the breaking waves leaving a long trail of sea spray in their wake.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

4th January

During the past month, the locals and visitors have been attacked by a red shirted mugger who ambushes walkers on the nature trail which starts just outside of our house.

I have put up notices and reported it in the newspaper but as yet we have not caught him. To my knowledge there have been 11 attacks and sooner or later one of these will turn into a murder as often old people with their dogs are set upon and they end up in hospital

Jan 3rd

January 2nd

New Year new start

Here we go, a New Year's and New Decade of resolutions.
I have resurected this blog and intend to update it daily
Followers will get an insight to my life as an expat living in a small village just outside of Port Elizabeth in South Africa.
I intend to make videos of daily life as seen my myself and my views on life are not the same as 'tick-tock' public so read and watch with an open mind.