Monday, March 8, 2010

The Assassination Day 1

Speakers today included Greg Jacobs, Maziar Sadri, Leon Jay, Andrew Banks and Gideon Shalwick. All were good.
As the end of the session were divided into groups and given a task to produce a saleable item and sell it on the net by Friday.
This evening out for a bite with team members and getting to know each other. This is an important part of being here as we learn each others skills and form friendships for the future.


Unknown said...

Hi John,

Seems that you having quite a bit of fun and learning lots.

Look forward to reading some of the great insights on internet marketing when you get back.

Enjoy and chat to you soon.



Unknown said...

Hi John,

Just saw an interview with you on YouTube. Also saw 3 of your colleagues, some having a strawberry slush and a fish spa.

Can't wait to see what product you guys come up with on Friday. Good Luck and best wishes.

