Thursday, March 18, 2010

Where's the Tsunami? Two years ago from this balcony we saw what we thoughtt was a tsunami, well it has still not hit shore, I am pleased to say.
I have just returned from Thailand where I spent three weeks, great time, now back to work

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Medical Tourism in Thailand

This week we have been divided into groups to develop a site which will produce an income by the end of the week.
Our group has decided to concentrate on Medical Tourism in Thailand and we will have a complete website and ebook published by the end of the week.
Follow us as we develop the site at

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Assassination Day 1

Speakers today included Greg Jacobs, Maziar Sadri, Leon Jay, Andrew Banks and Gideon Shalwick. All were good.
As the end of the session were divided into groups and given a task to produce a saleable item and sell it on the net by Friday.
This evening out for a bite with team members and getting to know each other. This is an important part of being here as we learn each others skills and form friendships for the future.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tuk Tuk ride to the Sunday Market

Tuk Tuks live in Chiang Mai. The ancient art of weaving between heavy traffic at great speeds has not been lost. long live the Tuk Tuk.

Tomorrow I start a five day course on Internet Marketing headed by Greg Jacobs labelled "The Assassination Seminar" . It should be good fun, Today I met Greg along with two other speakers Amy Kay Guenther and Kenneth.

This evening we had a hairy ride at break neck speed through the traffic to see and eat at the Sunday Market
which is famous around the world.

Click on the header to see a short video

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Crab Curry with a strawberry slush to follow

One of my favourite meals is a crab curry and where ever I see live crab available I am usually tempted to have it again. This evening was no exception, so I get it while I can, especially for less than $10.
Click on the title to see the video clip

Artist in food market

Came across a great artist in the food market. He was using what I thought was a pencil, but he told me that it was a powder.
click on the title to see the video

Evening Market in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is famous for it's food market. This evening I visited the main one not far from the hotel. A short video clip is available, just click on the Title

Shangri La Hotel

Arrived in Chiang Mai ready for next weeks Internet Marketing seminar with Greg Jacobs. I expect to learn a great deal from this and hopefully expand my internet business because of it.
I will let you know as it is a long way to come.
This is the hotel where it is taking place all next week.
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